Taximeter-GPS App / SQUARE Integration Instructions

OAUTH Process

Minimum Taximeter-GPS App version: 7.4.4 (iOS) and 4.5.1 (Android)

Before you start, you need to create an account on Square
In your Square account you need to setup a 'Location' for each of your drivers. This is an important step to make sure that the app can check if the right driver has logged in to the Square POS app.
If you need assistance for setting up your Square account or on how to use the Square POS payment app, please check the Square website or contact Square directly.

Back here in Taximeter-GPS website under ‘Drivers’, click on ‘Square OAuth’ at the top of the screen. You will be shown your Square Login screen and after signing in, you will be asked to confirm access rights to your merchant account for the meter app.
After completion, your Square credentials (ClientId and Token) will have been automatically updated in your Tariff in the field 'App Special Instructions'. You can verify this by clicking on 'Tariff Setup', selecting your tariff and click on 'General'.
This 'OAUTH' step only needs to be done once, but nothing prevents you from repeating this step if you want to change your Square access token for the app, or if you want to change access rights for this app.

Once all drivers are entered (or a new driver has been added) in Taximeter-GPS, click on ‘Populate Square LocationIds’. A new window will open showing the allocation of Square Locations to the Drivers. When a LocationId could not be found, the system will update the driver profile with ‘SQL=?’. Otherwise, the driver profile will contain ‘SQL=xyz’ in ‘Payment 1’ field. It will only update LocationIds for drivers where the field ‘Payment 1’ is empty. 

To complete the setup, start the Taximeter-GPS app and do the following:
- iOS: Click on 'Settings', scroll down to 'Payments Settings' and click on 'Selected Credit Card System' until SQUARE is displayed.
- Android: Click on 'Preferences' in the menu, click on 'Select Card Processor' and select 'SQUARE'.

Please note: The Square payment receipt will contain a URL link to the Taximeter-GPS receipt.

If you have questions, you can contact us here


This is for older versions of our app and is no longer the recommended way of setting up SQUARE.
Minimum Taximeter-GPS App version: 7.4.2 (iOS) and 4.4.4 (Android)

Before you start, you need to create an account on Square or login with your existing Square account.
To allow Taximeter-GPS App to start the payment process at end of trip on your behalf, you need to visit Square Application Dashboard.
There, click on 'New Application'.
Give it a name, like Taximeter-GPS.
On the next screen, Square will generate an 'Application-ID' and a 'Personal Access Token'.
This information is needed in the app to allow starting the payment process. It must be setup for each and every driver that should be allowed to use this feature.
Go to app's Drivers page and add this information in either 'Passenger Pay 1' or 'Passenger Pay 2' field:

SQ;{ApplicationID};{PersonalAccess Token}
like SQ;sq0idp-xC;sq0atp-G

The Personal Access Token is optional. When you add it, Taximeter-GPS will access the Square server after a successful execution of a payment transaction, in order to retrieve the final paid amount by the passenger.
This is needed to calculate the tip. When you leave the Token out, the data that you will see in 'View Trips' will not contain the tip amount.

Then, click on 'Register API'.

In the field 'iOS App Bundle IDs' add: com.bluelionsolutions.mytaxicontrol
In the field iOS App URL Schemes add: myTaxiControl

Click on 'Add a new Android Package'
Under 'Package Name', add com.bluelionsolutions.mytaxicontrol
Under 'Fingerprint', add FE:BF:BF:75:EB:CC:A3:D0:BD:06:CD:2F:5B:C0:F1:E3:8A:88:BE:83

Dont forget to Save.

When a driver logs in in the app, the access credentials get loaded.
In the app, you need to go to Settings and under 'Select Credit Card Processor', you need to select 'SQUARE'.
Of course you can deactivate Square anytime again.

Obviously, you need to have the Square 'Point of Sale' app installed on your device and you must have logged in with your Square account.

Please note: The passenger payment receipt will contain a URL link to the Taximeter-GPS receipt.

If you have questions, you can contact us here